« Above all, Honeymoon is proud to promote harmony between man and nature. »
Responsible to preserve the balance between mankind and natural resources of our planet, Honeymoon undertakes to use teak and Bangkirai exclusively from managed forest periodically monitored and whose operation is regulated to allow the natural renewal resources.
To avoid wastage harmful to the balance of our ecological system, Honeymoon strives to design creations of very high quality that last through time. « The spirit of our creations is, in our view, favorable to a rapprochement between humans and the natural environment, quick to promote respect for human, face on what nature gives more beautiful, helping to respect it more.»
Our commitment is also based on the choice of producing small quantities and almost on demand (more than 50% of our production), and always respects the process of drying wood… Thus, we are using only what is necessary and our products have a longer life expectancy…
Above all, Honeymoon is proud to promote harmony between man and nature.
Our commitment is also based on the choice of producing small quantities and almost on demand (more than 50% of our production), and always respects the process of drying wood… Thus, we are using only what is necessary and our products have a longer life expectancy…
Above all, Honeymoon is proud to promote harmony between man and nature.